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Marc Hype Guestmix for 45 Live Los Angeles

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New 45s mix for 45 Live, broadcasting in LA on friday, on Mixcloud afterwards

The globe trotting party rockin‘ selector pulls the tricks outta the bag and delivers another first class set via the airwaves to your worldwide listening device.

Your host Greg Belson will be selecting beats, pieces, rarities, forgotten funk, serious soul and anything else he can grab from his well stacked crates. It’s a celebration of the 7″ single like no other, so join us please!

We broadcast on Dublab.com from 8pm US PDT (4am UK time), perfect to tune in live for the pre-club sessions in California, and the back-to-mine party in the UK!

And you can check out all the shows that have aired via our 45 Live broadcasts by either heading to our mixcloud page, or checking out the brand new radio page on our website;


Showtime is the first and third Friday of every month, plugging into the clubland timelines of pre and post sessions from the west coast of the US to the shores of the UK. Make this an essential listen and bookmark this in your e-calendar.